Our best-selling Northwest Wildflower is back in stock and it is DELICIOUS!!!

The bees are coming!

We just got word this afternoon that the 2013 new package bees are arriving this FRIDAY!!  In years past, the packages typically arrive much later than scheduled, like two weeks later.  This year they are actually 4 days early!

We will be beefing up our stock at the Growing Washington/Alm Hill Gardens certified organic, diversified berry, flower, and vegetable farm in Nooksack, Washington, as well as our stock down south in Sumner, Wa on friends Amy and John Hanawalt's Fairyland Farm.

Two of our packages will find their way to the new Growing Veterans farm in Lynden, Wa, established this year to help post-911 vets.  We bought an extra suit, gloves, and hive tool so we can teach the guys (and gals) a thing or two about beekeeping.  We are really excited to donate our bees, hives, and time to this really important agricultural project!  For more info go to http://www.growingveterans.org/