Like, chill out? like take time to sleep in and watch movies and write letters and read the paper and maybe even go somewhere with a beach and some cocktails? I watch all summer as my michigan family and friends enjoy the worlds greatest beaches and lakes, but i trudge along thinking about january like a carrot dangling in front of my face. then january comes along and all my farmer friends go to mexico and ugh i still have so much work to do! I knew we needed to move our production and bottling facility, that we needed to renovate the back of our tiny shop in order to accommodate more storage, and i knew we needed a new...
just kidding, not really. But we were featured in this past sunday seattle times shop nw holiday gift ideas article! If you click on th link, you'll have to scroll right through the images to the third one, and there you'll find a picture and write up about our adorable hand dipped gift jars!!!
we had no idea until Annie cooper sent us a text about it at like 11am sunday. Great little write up and we are thrilled to be included with so many other amazing local foods. So I guess this means back to the bottling room to fill more holiday jars!!
We did something different with this newest batch of Worker Bee Body Balm, and the color and scent are dramatically different! Instead of our normal bulk body products source in Bellingham, we found unrefined shea butter at Whole Foods in Seattle, and as the #2 ingredient besides beeswax, boy does that make a difference. Real shea butter is almost green and so fragrant, as opposed to the refined shea butter that we've been buying through Brambleberry/Otion which tends to be pure white and fragrance free. Look at how different the end result is, from a batch last month to the batch today!this is the raw, unrefined beeswax and unrefined shea, along with coconut oil, pure lanolin, and a drizzle of...